The Costs of Existing Systems

On 16th August 2023 the German Federal Criminal Office issued a press information sheet which indicated that in 2022 the German police registered 136,865 cases of cybercrime, which was an increase of 6.5 % over the previous year, with indications that there would be a further increase of around 8 % in 2023. Calculations of the organisation BITKOM, a German employer organisation specialising in Cybercrime, based on questionnaires to their member companies, indicated that damages of about 203 Billion Euros in 2022 were incurred in Germany, which was around double so high as in 2019. Some of these damages arose from ransomware attacks, and although SPEEDOS was not specifically designed to combat these, I am relatively confident that these too can be prevented by SPEEDOS; but until SPEEDOS systems exist in reality, it is impossible to be 100 % sure. Leaving ransomware aside, there is an enormous range of attacks where SPEEDOS can prevent potential damage.